If you’re living with joint pain, you’re probably looking for ways to relieve your symptoms and get back to your normal activities. One of the first steps to take is to find out exactly what’s causing your pain, since treatment can vary depending on the source of your discomfort. Of course, only a trained medical professional can diagnose your condition, but in the meantime, you may find it helpful to review our list of some of the most common causes of joint pain.


One of the most frequent causes of joint pain is arthritis. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 54 million U.S. adults have been diagnosed with arthritis, and many more experience arthritis symptoms but have not yet received an official diagnosis. There are more than 100 different types of arthritis, with the most common being osteoarthritis, which causes joint cartilage to gradually break down and wear away. In addition to joint pain, arthritis can cause swelling, redness, and stiffness. 


Joints contain bursae, which are small, fluid-filled sacs that cushion nearby bones, muscles, and tendons. Bursitis develops when these bursae become inflamed—often due to repetitive motion or excessive pressure—which can cause joint pain and a variety of other symptoms.


Like bursitis, tendinitis involves inflammation and generally occurs as a result of repetitive motion. But while bursitis affects bursae, tendinitis affects tendons, which are fibrous tissues that connect bones to muscles. Depending on the area affected, tendinitis may be referred to as “swimmer’s shoulder,” “tennis elbow,” or a similar name. 


Fibromyalgia can cause chronic, widespread pain throughout the musculoskeletal system, which includes the bones, joints, muscles, ligaments, tendons, and nerves. Often described as a continuous ache, fibromyalgia pain may be dull, sharp, or throbbing.

Sprains & Fractures

If your joint pain began suddenly, you may have sustained a sprain or a fracture. A sprain occurs when a ligament (which connects one bone to another) becomes either stretched or torn, often due to a sudden bend or twist of the nearby joint. A fracture, on the other hand, occurs when a bone breaks. In either case, you may experience joint pain, swelling, bruising, and difficulty moving the affected joint.

Treatment for Joint Pain in Durham, NC & Surrounding Areas

Residents of Durham, North Carolina, and nearby communities can turn to North Carolina Orthopaedic Clinic for joint pain treatment. Our practice has been serving this area since 2003, and we remain committed to providing specialized care and personalized service to every patient we treat.

If you’d like to meet with one of the joint pain specialists on our team, contact North Carolina Orthopaedic Clinic today and ask to schedule a consultation. We’re open on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., and we’d be happy to arrange an appointment at a date and time that’s convenient for you. Just let us know when you’d like to come in, and we’ll take care of setting up the consultation.