Chronic knee pain affects millions of Americans and can be a huge impact on an individual’s ability to enjoy a normal, active lifestyle. If knee pain is interfering with your day-to-day activities and you are trying to find a treatment option that can provide the relief you need, look to North Carolina Orthopaedic Clinic in Durham. Our fellowship-trained providers can determine if a total knee replacement procedure is the right treatment option for you.
Our Sports Medicine Team
North Carolina Orthopaedic Clinic is a community-based facility that offers a patient-centered approach to pain relief. When you meet with our sports medicine team, one of our surgeons will review your symptoms and listen to your treatment goals before deciding if a total knee replacement procedure is an option. If we determine that non-surgical treatment may be able to provide the desired relief, that will be the first course of action we recommend.
Knee Replacement
If knee arthroplasty is determined to be your best option, the worn cartilage surfaces in the knee will be replaced with metal implants and a plastic spacer that allow for the smooth, pain-free operation of the knee joint. Following a recovery period, you should be able to return to normal activity.
Contact North Carolina Orthopaedic Clinic in Durham today to find out if you are a candidate for a total knee replacement procedure.