For shoulder tendonitis treatment in Durham, North Carolina, turn to the specialists at North Carolina Orthopaedic Clinic. We’ve been serving residents of this community since 2003, and we’re proud to follow a patient-centered approach to care. Our fellowship-trained physicians will confirm your diagnosis and recommend a course of treatment that’s uniquely tailored to your specific condition.

What Is Shoulder Tendonitis?

The human body contains approximately 4,000 tendons, which connect muscles to bones. When one of these tendons becomes inflamed, it’s referred to as “tendonitis.” Shoulder tendonitis, specifically, refers to inflammation of the tendons in your rotator cuff or biceps. Inflammation often results from repeated overhead arm movements — such as those used when swimming, weightlifting, or playing baseball, tennis, or volleyball — although it can also be caused by a sudden injury. This condition can result in shoulder pain, tenderness, and stiffness.

How Is Shoulder Tendonitis Treated?

In many cases, shoulder tendonitis can be treated using conservative, nonsurgical methods, which may include:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs)
  • Corticosteroid injections
  • Cold therapy
  • Physical therapy
  • Periodic rest

When shoulder tendonitis is more severe — such as when the affected tendon is either completely or partially torn — surgery may be required.

Meet With an Orthopedic Specialist

If you’re concerned that you might have shoulder tendonitis, contact North Carolina Orthopaedic Clinic today. Our friendly team will be glad to answer your questions and schedule an appointment with one of the orthopedists at our Durham, NC, office. We look forward to providing you with the care you deserve.