Did you recently sustain a neck or back injury? Or has a chronic spine condition left you with pain and stiffness that’s become increasingly pronounced over time? Many individuals are able to resolve their spine pain using conservative treatments like pain medication, corticosteroid injections, and physical therapy. But for others, nonsurgical treatment simply isn’t enough.
So, where can you turn if you need surgery to address a painful neck or back condition? If you’re in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, you can rely on the skilled orthopedic spine surgeons at North Carolina Orthopaedic Clinic. We’ve been serving patients in this area since 2003, and our surgeons have experience treating a variety of spine conditions, including:
- Bulging discs
- Herniated discs
- Scoliosis
- Spinal fractures
- Spinal stenosis
- Spondylolisthesis
We pride ourselves on taking a patient-first approach to treatment, and that includes offering minimally invasive alternatives to traditional open surgery whenever possible. When compared to open procedures, minimally invasive surgery can lessen pain, shorten recovery, and minimize the risk of complications. If it turns out that you’re a candidate for surgery, our orthopedic spine surgeons will let you know whether a minimally invasive procedure would be appropriate for your specific needs.
Request a Consultation
If you’d like to discuss your condition and treatment options with one of the orthopedic spine surgeons at our practice, contact North Carolina Orthopaedic Clinic today. Our office—conveniently located near the intersection of I-40 and Durham-Chapel Hill Boulevard, just a short drive from Chapel Hill, NC—is open on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., and we even have same- and next-day appointments available. Just let us know when you’ll be free to come in, and we’ll arrange to have you meet with one of the highly experienced specialists on our team.