Are you searching for an orthopedist near Chapel Hill, North Carolina? Look no further—whether you need treatment for a recent injury or a chronic condition that you’ve been living with for years, you can get the help you need at North Carolina Orthopaedic Clinic. All of the orthopedic doctors at our practice have completed fellowship training, with some having completed multiple fellowships. Because they each specialize in a particular area of the body, you’re sure to get the specialized care you require.

Personalized Service

Since our orthopedic clinic first opened in 2003, we’ve emphasized our patient-first approach to treatment. This means that our patients’ needs always come first, no matter what. If your condition can be treated conservatively rather than with surgery, we’ll make sure that option is available to you. And if you do opt for surgery, we’ll let you know about any minimally invasive alternatives to traditional open surgery. If you decide to make an appointment with one of our orthopedic doctors, you can rest assured that we’ll be focused on your needs from the moment you check in until the moment you check out.

Request a Consultation

To schedule an appointment with one of the orthopedic doctors on our team, contact North Carolina Orthopaedic Clinic today. Our office is just a short drive from Chapel Hill, NC, and it’s incredibly easy to get to. We’re located off of a major highway—near the intersection of I-40 and Durham-Chapel Hill Boulevard—and we have free parking right outside our building.