When it comes to wear and tear, few body parts experience more than your knees. Whether due to simple daily tasks or the enjoyment of sports, this wear and tear can make your knees more susceptible to injury, and that includes an ACL tear. While ACL injuries are commonly sports related, they can also happen as a result of a singular trauma, such as a fall or a car accident. If you suspect that you have sustained an injury that requires an ACL repair, North Carolina Orthopaedic Clinic is here to help. Our specialized treatment for Durham residents can help you recover in no time.
Our Treatment
At North Carolina Orthopaedic Clinic, we take a patient-centered approach that always puts you first. We will properly diagnose your injury and determine the right ACL repair treatment for your unique situation. We will always explore conservative treatment paths before surgery to get you on the road to recovery as quickly as possible. If surgery is deemed the proper course of action for your ACL injury, one of our specialized surgeons will reconstruct or repair the damaged ligament in order to improve your mobility and get your knee health back on track.
Schedule a Consultation
At North Carolina Orthopaedic Clinic, our fellowship-trained and board-certified physicians specialize in different parts of the body, which will ensure that your ACL repair is performed by a true specialist with extensive experience in sports medicine. And as a patient-centered clinic, you can trust that you will be given the time and attention that you deserve and your individual injury needs.
Contact North Carolina Orthopaedic Clinic today to learn more about the ACL repair options we offer to Durham residents.